No ONE advertising medium reaches everyone-but every medium has an audience (potential customers for your business)
What works is HOW you use the medium you choose.
Pick a medium you can AFFORD to be consistent with, that showcases your business & helps you rise above the clutter.
A guide to media pros and cons is below:
20+ print publications in Asheville
Citizen Times, Mountain Xpress, Asheville Independent, WNC Magazine, Verve, WNC Woman, Sophie Magazine, WNC Parent, Laurel, Rapid River, Blue Banner, Topix, Western Carolina Business Journal, Weaverville Tribune, Asheville Disclaimer, Out in Asheville, Blue Ridge Outdoors, Asheville Magazine, IWANNA
Print targets the NOW buyer
Can target your demographic by interests
A good quality color, high res print ad can make your business look sleek
Passive media/non-intrusive
Difficult to stand out above the clutter
Can’t guarantee your ad placement (can easily be placed next to your competitor)
Poor at reaching consumers before their need arises
Print equals waste: environmentally UN-conscious
BIG visibility-highest reach medium
Simple, creative messages work (no more than 8 words)
Great for directional advertising (TURN HERE)
Message loses its impact quickly (After 1-2 impressions, billboards become scenery)
Expensive to change the message
Short message requirement works best for already well-branded businesses
Highly targeted
You see a measurable return on good offers
High cost per contact for small ROI
You are often paying to go in the garbage
Junk mail has negative associations
High reach medium
Great medium if you are pulling business from a wide geographic area
Combination of audio and visual
Paying to reach people out of your market (Ask youself: how far do people drive to get to my business?)
Expensive to produce
Expensive to reach adequate frequency
Local tv ads can look “corny” and unprofessional. Plain and simple: Bad tv ads will make your business look bad
Easy to target your demo
Works well for active NOW buyers
Yellow pages are equivalent to the dinosaurs. Google is where it’s at.
Passive media (easy to get lost in cyber-space)
Not a great stand alone media. Needs another media vehicle to drive site traffic
Expensive to build/maintain a high quality, professional website
Inexpensive production costs
Local radio ads can sound as good as national ads
Best vehicle for cost efficient frequency
Active medium-intrusive-can reach customers before they decide to buy
Echoic retention implants your business name in the listeners mind (How did you learn your ABC’s?)
Is EARTH friendly
Works well with other mediums “See our ad in….””Visit our website at…”
Can not showcase visual images
Can not be tightly targeted geographically
Frequency required for maximum results
Word of mouth is not advertising. Advertising is word of mouth (on steroids).

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